Since 1997, Olson Kundig has worked with St. Mark’s Cathedral to expand, remodel and preserve their church located in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Originally constructed in 1928, the cathedral remained only partially complete for decades as it underwent a series of gradual updates. The most recent improvements in 2018, particularly to the exterior, bring the cathedral to completion, lending a sense of visual unity and cohesion that embodies St. Mark’s mission of community service and accessibility.
St. Mark’s Cathedral Expansion and Renovation
Seattle, Washington

Studio Sitges
Sitges, Spain

Skid Road at [storefront] Olson Kundig
Seattle, Washington
Stephen Yamada-Heidner
Stephen Yamada-Heidner
Olivier Landa
Hayden Robinson
“St. Mark’s Cathedral Expansion and Renovation.” Archello, 22 May 2019. Web.
“St. Mark’s Cathedral Expansion and Renovation.” ARCHITECT, 9 Jan. 2019. Web.
Grant, Rick, and Lara Swimmer. Inspired: Churches of Seattle. Seattle: Documentary Media, Sept. 2013, 2, 68-71. Book.
Crosbie, Michael J. Houses of God: Religious Architecture for a New Millenium. Victoria: Images Publishing, Aug. 2006, 28-31, 100-101, 166-167. Book.
Hinshaw, Mark. “Spiritual Spaces.” The Seattle Times, 9 Dec. 1998, F1, F5. Print.
Olson, Sheri. “West Wall, St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, Washington.” Architectural Record Vol. 186 No. 7, July 1998, 102-104. Print.
Pastier, John. “Coming Full Circle.” Metropolis, May 1998, 30. Print.
MacDonald, Sally. “A more majestic cathedral.” The Seattle Times, 22 Nov. 1997, A1, A9. Print.