This 14-unit luxury condominium on the shore of Lake Washington set a new standard in condominium design. The building was designed as a shell so that individual condominium owners could build-out their own units. The overall design strikes a balance between the formality of meeting the urban streetscape and the informality of the waterfront setting.
Carillon Point Condominium Building
Kirkland, Washington

Hillclimb Court
Seattle, Washington

Buckaroo Trail
Bigfork, Montana
“One Carillion Point.” Unique Homes, Dec. 1993, 35. Print.
Dodoye-Alali, Anthony. “Condo Project for The Rich, If Not Famous.” Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, 23 Oct. 1991. Print.
Epes, James. “Stagnant Market? Carillon Point Begs To Differ.” Puget Sound Business Journal, 11 Nov. 1991, 3,14. Print.
Olson, Jim. “Luxury; density combined.” Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, 30 Oct. 1991, 14-15. Print.